第六届声学、振动、噪声控制国际研讨会(CAVNC 2023)
The 6th Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Vibration and Noise Control (CAVNC 2023)
地点:中国 · 厦门
△. 大会简介
第六届声学、振动、噪声控制国际研讨会(The 6th Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Vibration and Noise Control)将于2023年8月11-13日在中国厦门举行。本届大会囊括声学,声学工程,振动和噪声控制,噪声影响,噪声控制工程等领域相关议题。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们在声学、振动、噪声控制相关领域的研究成果及活动进展。
△. 大会日程(供参考)
2023年8月11日 - 大会签到(发指南、期刊、参会证、餐券等相关物资)
2023年8月12日 - 特邀演讲嘉宾报告
2023年8月13日 - 作者报告及海报展示
Airborne Acoustics
Architectural Acoustics
Building and Room Acoustics
Architectural Acoustics
Communication Acoustics
Computational Acoustics
Electro-acoustic and Audio Engineering
Environmental Acoustics
Forensic Acoustics
Aerodynamic and Acoustic Flight Tests
Medical Acoustics
Musical Acoustics
Physical Acoustics
Underwater Acoustics
Acoustical Engineering
Vibration Acoustics
Structural Acoustic
Applied Acoustics
Audio Engineering
Acoustic Levitation
Acoustical Oceanography
Acoustics for Navigation
Acoustics of Bubbles
Acoustic Tomography
Vibration and Noise Control
Advanced Vibration
Construction Vibration
Vibration Isolation of Buildings
Vibration Modal and Fatigue Analysis
Machinery and Equipment Vibration Isolation
Insulation of building elements
Vibration control
Environmental Noise Assessments
Noise Contour Maps
Noise Impacts
Noise Risk Assessments
Noise Studies for Land-use Planning
Noise Sources and control
Noise Exposure
Stationary Noise Source Measurements
HVAC Noise Control
Industrial Noise Control
Traffic Noise and Vibration
Wind Turbine Noise
Noise Control Engineering
Ambient Noise
Sound insulation
Other Related Topics
The 6th Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Vibration and Noise Control (CAVNC 2023)
地点:中国 · 厦门
△. 大会简介
第六届声学、振动、噪声控制国际研讨会(The 6th Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Vibration and Noise Control)将于2023年8月11-13日在中国厦门举行。本届大会囊括声学,声学工程,振动和噪声控制,噪声影响,噪声控制工程等领域相关议题。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们在声学、振动、噪声控制相关领域的研究成果及活动进展。
△. 大会日程(供参考)
2023年8月11日 - 大会签到(发指南、期刊、参会证、餐券等相关物资)
2023年8月12日 - 特邀演讲嘉宾报告
2023年8月13日 - 作者报告及海报展示
Airborne Acoustics
Architectural Acoustics
Building and Room Acoustics
Architectural Acoustics
Communication Acoustics
Computational Acoustics
Electro-acoustic and Audio Engineering
Environmental Acoustics
Forensic Acoustics
Aerodynamic and Acoustic Flight Tests
Medical Acoustics
Musical Acoustics
Physical Acoustics
Underwater Acoustics
Acoustical Engineering
Vibration Acoustics
Structural Acoustic
Applied Acoustics
Audio Engineering
Acoustic Levitation
Acoustical Oceanography
Acoustics for Navigation
Acoustics of Bubbles
Acoustic Tomography
Vibration and Noise Control
Advanced Vibration
Construction Vibration
Vibration Isolation of Buildings
Vibration Modal and Fatigue Analysis
Machinery and Equipment Vibration Isolation
Insulation of building elements
Vibration control
Environmental Noise Assessments
Noise Contour Maps
Noise Impacts
Noise Risk Assessments
Noise Studies for Land-use Planning
Noise Sources and control
Noise Exposure
Stationary Noise Source Measurements
HVAC Noise Control
Industrial Noise Control
Traffic Noise and Vibration
Wind Turbine Noise
Noise Control Engineering
Ambient Noise
Sound insulation
Other Related Topics
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